What Your Food Craving Could Be Telling You About Your Health

  • Post category:Gut Health

Cravings are often thought of as unhealthy, as they tend to be for fatty, sugary, or salty foods. However, cravings can be your body’s way of communicating what it needs. By understanding the different types of food cravings and how they work, you can take control of your health and even improve your nutrition

In this article, we’ll help you decode common food cravings and how to manage them. 

Emotional Cravings

Many people experience emotional cravings, such as a desire for chocolate, candy, chips, pizza, or fried food when they’re feeling sad, angry, or stressed out. Some people also crave certain foods when they’re happy as a celebratory treat.

Finding other methods of managing your emotions, such as journaling, calling a friend, or going on a walk may help you kick emotional cravings. 

Habitual Cravings

Cravings can simply point to a habit. For example, many people want to have dessert after dinner because they do so every day. To kick a habitual craving, try replacing your habitual craving with a healthier alternative, like a piece of fruit, a square of dark chocolate, or a cup of tea. 

What Common Cravings May Mean

Food cravings may indicate that your body needs a certain nutrient, such as:

  • Chocolate cravings may mean that you’re low on magnesium. 
  • Leafy greens, beans, seeds, nuts, and bananas are healthier options. 
  • Salty snack cravings may mean that your electrolyte levels are low. Instead of reaching for a bag of chips, try having a portion of salted nuts, lightly salted popcorn, or baked veggie chips. 
  • Candy or sugary sweets cravings can indicate that you have low blood sugar. Eating a nutritionally balanced snack or meal can replenish your blood sugar levels. 
  • Bread cravings can indicate a deficiency in nitrogen. Reach for whole wheat bread or oatmeal, nuts, and legumes as alternatives. 
  • Fatty food cravings can point to a calcium deficiency, which you can offset with spinach, kale, broccoli, almonds, oranges, and sesame seeds, as well as low-fat dairy if it doesn’t upset your stomach.

Contact Body Flow Wellness for personalized guidance to improve your digestive wellness.