Top 15 Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut and Overall Health

  • Post category:Nutrition

When it comes to the health of your gut, your diet plays a leading role, impacting the trillions of bacteria found throughout the digestive tract. While a poor diet can contribute to gut inflammation and discomfort, a nutritious diet can nurture your gut microbiome and enhance your overall health. 

Fermented foods are a staple of any gut-friendly diet. They contain good bacteria, known as probiotics, or prebiotics, which feed the gut microbiome. 15 of the best-fermented foods for gut health include: (more…)

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Stomach Symptoms You Can’t Ignore

Stomach pain, tummy aches, cramps – no matter what you call it, abdominal discomfort affects us all at some point in life. Although a stomach ache is a potential symptom of numerous medical conditions, it’s usually no cause for concern. However, certain stomach symptoms should never be ignored, as they require prompt care to prevent serious complications. 

Read on to learn about the stomach symptoms that merit an immediate call to your doctor.  (more…)

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5 Stomach Ulcer Warning Signs

Stomach acids are more potent than you might think! With the ability to dissolve metals, these acids can’t be underestimated. If they damage the stomach lining or small intestine, you could develop a stomach ulcer. 

Affecting 5 to 10% of people across the globe, stomach ulcers are a prevalent global health concern. In the early stages, ulcer symptoms can be difficult to recognize, leading many people to leave them untreated. But, left without treatment, they can trigger more severe complications. 

Consider the following stomach ulcer warning signs:  (more…)

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What Causes a Swollen Colon?

The colon is an essential organ in the digestive tract. It takes water and nutrients from partly digestive food, leaving behind solid waste. That waste travels through the colon to the rectum, where it eventually leaves the body. 

Or does it?

In a perfect world, all of the waste produced from food would completely leave our bodies with each bowel movement. Unfortunately, for most of the adult population, this often isn’t the case. Some waste is left behind in the colon, where it hardens, accumulates, and causes swelling. (more…)

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Tips for Healthy Pooping

  • Post category:Probiotics

Bowel movements may not be the most glamorous topic of conversation, but let’s face it: Healthy pooping is a crucial aspect of health and wellness. Regular bowel movements promote your digestive and gastrointestinal health while ridding your body of waste.

Unfortunately, healthy bowel movements can be elusive, especially if you struggle with a sensitive stomach. We’re here to help with our top tips for healthy pooping:

Boost Your Fiber Intake.

You’ve probably heard it before, but consuming more fiber really can improve your bowel movements. Fiber can help you maintain regular, easy-to-pass bowel movements. It also helps stool move through your intestine faster, lowering your risk of constipation.  (more…)

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Managing Food Intolerance

  • Post category:Probiotics

Food intolerances make it difficult to digest a specific food, usually causing symptoms like gas, bloating, and belly pain. Affecting an estimated 15 to 20% of the population, food intolerance is a prevalent health concern that can impact your long-term well-being. 

While food intolerance can be uncomfortable, it’s possible to manage it and prevent future flare-ups. Here are our top tips:

Go to the Source. 

One of the most effective ways to manage food intolerance (also known as food sensitivity) is to determine the source of the issue. Physicians can test for sensitivities with a blood or skin prick test, which may indicate which foods trigger your symptoms. However, testing doesn’t always find the exact cause of an intolerance.  (more…)

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How to Lose Weight Without Hurting Your Body

  • Post category:Nutrition

If you’re aiming to reach your optimal weight in the New Year, it’s essential to do so safely. Risky weight loss tactics can cause more harm than good, ultimately compromising your wellness.  

In this article, we’ll discuss how to lose weight safely to protect your body and achieve your goals!

Adopt a Sustainable Diet. 

Frequent, dramatic dietary shifts can be harmful to your body. Instead, aim to adopt a sustainable diet for weight loss by eating lean protein, upping your fiber intake, and adding plenty of veggies to your plate. These changes will help keep you fuller for longer while keeping your caloric intake low.  (more…)

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Tips for a Gut-Friendly Christmas

  • Post category:Gut Health

Christmas is a time of joy, love, and giving. It isn’t, however, the best time for your gut. Many of the festive indulgences that we love to enjoy during the holiday season (namely sweet and fatty treats) can wreak havoc on your gut health. 

We’re here to help. You can still make the most of Christmas cheer while protecting your gut with these simple tricks: (more…)

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Dangers From the Misuse of Laxatives

  • Post category:Gut Health

Laxatives are a common type of medication used for constipation. They work by softening stools and/or stimulating bowel movements. Since most laxatives are available over-the-counter, some people use them often for convenient relief from constipation.  

While laxatives are widely considered safe, they’re not intended for frequent or long-term use. There are several possible dangers of laxative misuse, including an increased risk of dementia, according to a new study from UK Biobank.  (more…)

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What Your Food Craving Could Be Telling You About Your Health

  • Post category:Gut Health

Cravings are often thought of as unhealthy, as they tend to be for fatty, sugary, or salty foods. However, cravings can be your body’s way of communicating what it needs. By understanding the different types of food cravings and how they work, you can take control of your health and even improve your nutrition

In this article, we’ll help you decode common food cravings and how to manage them.  (more…)

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