5 Ways to Naturally Heal Your Gut Health

  • Post category:Gut Health

The health of your gut affects not only your digestive tract, but also your hormones, immune system, nervous system, and even your mental health. So, if you’re dealing with imbalanced gut bacteria (also known as dysbiosis), your overall wellness may suffer. 

Thankfully, there are multiple ways to naturally heal your gut – no harsh treatments or medications are required.  (more…)

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Why Do I Feel Bloated and Gassy After Eating?

  • Post category:Nutrition

Feeling bloated and gassy after a large meal is common – we all experience it now and again. However, if you’re struggling with gas and bloating after most meals, it’s time to dig deeper into the cause of your symptoms. 

There are several possible causes of bloating and gas after eating, but the most common include:

Your Diet

Your diet may be the root cause of your gastrointestinal discomfort. Both processed foods and high-fiber foods can lead to gas and bloating if they’re eaten in excess.  (more…)

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Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotics: What’s the Difference?

  • Post category:Probiotics

Differentiating probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics can be confusing, to say the least. Although they sound similar, these substances serve different functions.

A “biotic” influences your microbiome, which is a colony of microorganisms and bacteria living in your body. It’s crucial to maintain a balanced microbiome, as it influences the health of your immune system and gastrointestinal system.  

Probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics are required for a balanced microbiome. Here, we’ll go over the differences between these key ingredients.  (more…)

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Importance of Colon Cleansing

If your colon isn’t included in your self-care routine, you may be doing yourself a disservice. Colon cleansing offers benefits that span every aspect of your health, from digestion to immune function and even mental health. 

Especially for individuals struggling with constipation or digestive discomfort, colon cleansing is important to maintaining a high quality of life. In this article, we’ll explore colon cleansing and how it can enhance your overall health.  (more…)

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Top Reasons to Avoid Artificial Sweetener Sucralose

  • Post category:Nutrition

We all crave something sweet every now and again. But, given the health risks surrounding excess sugar intake, including inflammation, weight gain, and even high blood pressure, many people are opting for artificial sweeteners as alternatives.

Unfortunately, artificial sweeteners can present health risks of their own. In this article, we’ll present the key reasons to avoid sucralose, one of the most widely-used artificial sweeteners in the world. 

The main risks of including sucralose in your diet include: (more…)

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How the Vagus Nerve Affects Gut Health

  • Post category:Gut Health

The vagus nerve delivers a variety of signals between the digestive system and the brain. It travels from the brainstem down through the neck to the abdomen, innervating areas of the face, throat, ear, and heart, as well as the whole digestive tract. 

Additionally, the vagus nerve is considered the main part of the parasympathetic nervous system. This system drives what’s often referred to as the body’s “rest and digest” state. So, for the digestive system to work at its best, the body needs to be in a relaxed state.    (more…)

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Can Your Gut Affect Your Mental Health?

  • Post category:Gut Health

Though the gut and the brain aren’t positioned near each other within the human body, the two are closely connected. Your gut can significantly impact your mental health, contributing to issues including anxiety and depression. 

Here, we’ll discuss the link between the gut and the mind, as well as strategies for promoting optimal gut health (more…)

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What Causes Constipation?

  • Post category:Gut Health

Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems in the U.S. An estimated 16 out of 100 American adults experience symptoms of constipation, and 33 out of 100 adults over the age of 60 have constipation symptoms. 

Understanding what causes constipation, to begin with, can help you avoid this digestive issue. Here, we’ll discuss constipation and the factors that most frequently cause it.  (more…)

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Top Reasons for Digestive Issues

  • Post category:Gut Health

Your digestive system plays a crucial role in your body’s overall function. Whenever you eat or drink, the organs of the digestive system break down what you consume and convert it into fuel for energy, development, and ultimately support your body’s repair processes. 

Unfortunately, digestive issues are common and can be presented in many forms. Discomfort, bloating, and gas are three common symptoms that often accompany digestive concerns. 

Understanding the possible signs of digestive issues can put you on the road towards better gastrointestinal health. These reasons include: (more…)

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How Probiotics Can Help With Bloating and Digestion

  • Post category:Probiotics

Bloating and digestion are two of the most common gastrointestinal symptoms that patients experience today. Whether triggered by a heavy meal, a course of antibiotics, or even lifestyle factors like stress, digestive discomfort can throw a wrench in your day. 

Probiotic supplements have become a popular way to ease and prevent digestive discomfort. Keep reading to learn more about how adding probiotics to your daily routine can improve the health of your gut! (more…)

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