What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Gastrointestinal issues are a prevalent health concern among people today. As a result, many individuals are searching for solutions for digestive discomfort and symptoms of poor gut health

Colon hydrotherapy is an available treatment to relieve a wide variety of digestive concerns. This treatment effectively flushes waste and toxins from the colon to improve your comfort and wellbeing. 

Continue reading to learn more about colon hydrotherapy and the benefits that it can provide to your gastrointestinal system. 

The Colon Hydrotherapy Process

With the Angel of Water system available at Body Flow Wellness, colon hydrotherapy is completed in the following steps:

  1. The patient takes a comfortable, reclined position in the treatment area. 
  2. A lubricated rectal nozzle is inserted about 1.5 inches into the rectum. 
  3. A gentle stream of purified, triple-filtered water is emitted through the rectal nozzle at about 100-degree temperature. 
  4. The water reaches the colon and stimulates peristalsis, which is the involuntary process of contracting and releasing the muscles in the digestive tract. 
  5. Peristalsis triggers the release of water and waste for the rest of the treatment session, which is typically around 40 minutes. 

The Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

By fully removing waste from the colon, hydrotherapy offers several benefits for patients seeking improved gastrointestinal health. The main benefits of this treatment include:

  • Constipation relief

Colon hydrotherapy is a natural solution for constipation.  

  • Prepare for colonoscopy

Colon hydrotherapy clears out stool from the large intestine to help you prepare for a colonoscopy without any hassle.  

  • Natural alternative to laxative medications

Patients with digestive disorders can use colon hydrotherapy as a natural alternative to prescription medications and laxatives. 

  • Greater overall health

While colon hydrotherapy can significantly improve your gastrointestinal health, it also positively impacts your overall wellness. By removing waste from the colon, this treatment reduces your body’s production of inflammatory chemicals. This in turn reduces your risk of developing chronic conditions. 

If you’re interested in the benefits of colon hydrotherapy, contact Body Flow Wellness to schedule an appointment today!